Results for 'Josef Victor Widmann'

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  1.  20
    3. Nietzsches gefährliches Buch.Josef Victor Widmann - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand, Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 58-61.
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    Nietzsche's Ethics of Danger.Tobias Kuehne - 2018 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 49 (1):78-101.
    In September 1886, the poet and critic Josef Victor Widmann penned a review of BGE titled "Nietzsche's Dangerous Book,"1 observing that a keen sense of danger pervaded the work.2 Nietzsche, who often felt misunderstood and wrongfully attacked, responded enthusiastically to Widmann on June 28, 1887: Mainly, I have to thankfully inform you, after a year's time no less, that your review has been by far the most "intelligent" one that this uncongenial book has received until now. (...)
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    27. Brief an Josef Viktor Widmann vom 23. 9. 1893.Ricarda Huch - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand, Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 91-91.
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    PIEPER, JOSEF, Autobiographische Schriften, hrsg. von Berthold Wald, F. Meiner, Hamburg, 2003, 706 pp. (Josef Pieper, Werke in acht Bänden, Ergänzungsband 2). [REVIEW]Víctor Sanz - 2004 - Anuario Filosófico:499-501.
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    O Levante da Cortina de Ferro.José Victor Lara - 2018 - Dialogos 22 (1):251.
    No verão de 1957 a União Soviética recebeu mais de 30 mil jovens do mundo todo reunidos para o Sexto Festival Mundial da Juventude em Moscou. Os soviéticos se apresentavam para o mundo de uma nova forma, na tentativa de mostrar um socialismo renovado e muito mais humano, antagonizando com os anos de Josef Stalin no poder. Moscou não era uma capital comunista sombria e atrasada, mas uma cidade moderna e colorida. Durante o festival, todos os cinemas, circos, exposições, (...)
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  6. Die überforderte Rationalität: zur Aktualität des Mythos (La rationalité surestimée. L'actualité du mythe).Josef Blank - 1987 - Kairos (misc) 29 (1-2):29-44.
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  7. Die Stellung des Menschen im Kosmos.Josef Endres - 1941 - Divus Thomas 19:295-331.
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    Mr. Lewis in Perelandra.Victor M. Hamm - 1945 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 20 (2):271-290.
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  9. Tiefenpsychologie und Kulturanalyse: Aufsätze und Essays 1990-2010.Josef Rattner - 2011 - Berlin: Verlag für Tiefenpsychologie.
  10.  81
    Brouwer's fan theorem and unique existence in constructive analysis.Josef Berger & Hajime Ishihara - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (4):360-364.
    Many existence propositions in constructive analysis are implied by the lesser limited principle of omniscience LLPO; sometimes one can even show equivalence. It was discovered recently that some existence propositions are equivalent to Bouwer's fan theorem FAN if one additionally assumes that there exists at most one object with the desired property. We are providing a list of conditions being equivalent to FAN, such as a unique version of weak König's lemma. This illuminates the relation between FAN and LLPO. Furthermore, (...)
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    Der Begriff der Bildsamkeit und die Begründung der Ethik bei Johann Friedrich Herbart.Josef Kühne - 1976 - Zürich: Juris-Verlag.
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  12. Cusanus-Texte. I. Predigten.Josef Koch - 1938 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 45 (2):23-24.
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    (1 other version)Lehrbuch der Rechtsphilosophie.Josef Kohler - 1917 - Berlin,: W. Rothschild. Edited by Arthur Kohler.
    The Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative and International Law, 1600-1926, brings together foreign, comparative, and international titles in a single resource. Its International Law component features works of some of the great legal theorists, including Gentili, Grotius, Selden, Zouche, Pufendorf, Bijnkershoek, Wolff, Vattel, Martens, Mackintosh, Wheaton, among others. The materials in this archive are drawn from three world-class American law libraries: the Yale Law Library, the George Washington University Law Library, and the Columbia Law Library.Now for the first time, (...)
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  14. La opción fiscal y las reducciones del artículo 20 de la Ley 29/1987, del Impuesto sobre Sucesiones y Donaciones.Víctor Caro Robles - 2010 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:36 - 50.
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  15. Zum Problem ethischer Normen im Neuen Testament.Josef Blank - 1982 - In Friedrich Hiller & August Langen, Normen und Werte. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag.
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    Das Gewissen: ein katholischer Standpunkt.Josef Bordat - 2013 - Bonn: Lepanto Verlag.
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    A presença de traços existencialistas nas noções de dignidade E liberdade encontradas na oratio de pico Della mirandola.Victor Hugo de Oliveira Marques - 2015 - Synesis 7 (2):144-165.
    O presente artigo objetiva, ao revisitar a obra Oratio de hominis dignitate composta pelo humanista renascentista Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, um duplo intento: sustentar que as noções de dignidade e liberdade, presentes nessa obra, se distanciam do pensamento cristão tradicional, de modo crítico, justamente porque derivam de uma leitura filosófica da teologia cristã da criação; e mostrar que a conclusão a respeito da noção de liberdade apresentada por Sartre no pensamento contemporâneo pode ser encontrada de modo germinal, guardada as devidas (...)
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  18.  8
    Leo Strauss y Ortega y Gasset. Una Nota Sobre la Lectura de la Historia de la Filosofía.Víctor Páramo - 2015 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 11:133-158.
    El propósito de la presente nota crítica consiste en examinar la concepción que Leo Strauss y José Ortega y Gasset elaboraron de la historia de la filosofía. Se trata, por tanto, de explorar la imagen que presentaron de dicha historia, una imagen de carácter general y que no repara en aspectos concretos. En la primera parte exponemos la concepción straussiana de la historia de la filosofía. En la segunda parte nos ocupamos de la concepción orteguiana de la historia de la (...)
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    Giambattista Vico: mimbres para una ciudadanía retórica y democrática.Víctor Alonso Rocafort - 2008 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 21 (22):22.
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    The anti-Specker property, a Heine–Borel property, and uniform continuity.Josef Berger & Douglas Bridges - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (7-8):583-592.
    Working within Bishop’s constructive framework, we examine the connection between a weak version of the Heine–Borel property, a property antithetical to that in Specker’s theorem in recursive analysis, and the uniform continuity theorem for integer-valued functions. The paper is a contribution to the ongoing programme of constructive reverse mathematics.
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  21. (2 other versions)Recht, Naturrecht und positives Recht.Victor Cathrein - 1901 - St. Louis, Mo.,: Herder.
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  22. (1 other version)Thomas Bernhard an Dr. Hilde Spiel:" Etwas über Ludwig Wittgenstein".Josef G. F. Rothhaupt - 1997 - Wittgenstein-Studien 4 (1).
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  23. Mein Weltbild.Josef Sattler - 1970 - (Krems,: Göglstrasse 16, Selbstverl..
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    Arzt und Patient: Erwartungen und Wirklichkeit.Josef Zander (ed.) - 1976 - Düsseldorf: Patmos-Verlag.
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  25. [no title].Oliver Victor - unknown
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    Georg Wunderle zum Gedächtnis.Josef Hasenfuss - 1962 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 7 (1):282-287.
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    Rauschdrogen im Lichte religionsgeschichtlicher und sozialpsychologischer Erwägungen.Josef Hasenfuss - 1975 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 11 (1):84-100.
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    The Churches—On Their Way to Unity.Josef Hasenfuss - 1970 - Philosophy and History 3 (2):198-200.
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    Review Essay: A New Book on Austrian Philosophy.Josef Hlade - 2023 - In Paola Cantù & Georg Schiemer, Logic, Epistemology, and Scientific Theories – From Peano to the Vienna Circle. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 305-310.
    This book discusses questions concerning mind and matter, substance and accident, and knowledge and experience in the work of a wide range of nineteenth and early twentieth century philosophers, giving a problem-oriented account of Austrian philosophy and its role in the conception of analytic philosophy and logical empiricism. At the centre of the book is the debate about the relation between empirical science and metaphysics, and the question of whether empirical psychology depends on the metaphysics of the soul - the (...)
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    Law without Lawyers: A Comparative View of Law in China and the United States.Victor H. Li - 1979 - Philosophy East and West 29 (2):237-240.
  31. Věda a morálka.Josef Meisner - 1948 - Praha,: Život a práce.
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    Predely rat︠s︡ionalʹnosti: termodinamicheskiĭ podkhod k teorii ėkonomicheskogo ravnovesii︠a︡.Victor M. Sergeyev - 1998 - Moskva: Fazis.
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    (1 other version)Das Problem des Schematismuskapitels der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Josef Spindler - 1923 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 28:266.
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    Zur Eindeutigkeit des Seinsbegriffs.Josef Stallmach - 1976 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 2:101-122.
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    Maimonides' epistemology.Josef Stern - 2005 - In Kenneth Seeskin, The Cambridge companion to Maimonides. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 105.
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    Die Zisternen von Alexandria.Josef Strzygowski - 1895 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 4 (3).
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    Zur Datierung des Goldfundes von Nagy-Szent-Miklós.Josef Strzygowski - 1897 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 6 (3).
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  38. Neovitalism.Victor Weizsacker - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21:121.
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    Truth or meaning?Victor S. Yarros - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (24):754-755.
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    The Mesopotamian God Image, from Womb to Tomb.Victor Avigdor Hurowitz - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):147-157.
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    The seal use of Cyprus in the Bronze Age.Victor G. E. Kenna - 1967 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 91 (1):255-268.
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  42. Zu der Durandus-Hs. der Biblioteca Antoniana in Padua.Josef Koch - 1942 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 20:409-414.
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    Věnováno Karlu Hlavoňovi.Josef Krob - 2010 - Studia Philosophica 57 (2):91-100.
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    Why the Duty to Research Falls on Institutions Rather Than Individuals.Victor Laurion & Christopher Robertson - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):44-46.
    Volume 19, Issue 6, June 2019, Page 44-46.
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  45. «te Apulia Genuit» : Some Notes On The Birthplace Of Julian Of Eclanum.Josef LÖssl - 1998 - Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 44 (2):223-240.
    Qu'Éclane soit le siège de l'évêché de Julien est un fait bien établi. Mais quelle était sa patrie d'origine? Cet article résume un certain nombre de suggestions faites au cours des derniers siècles et jette un oeil neuf sur les sources. Prenant en considération aussi bien le domaine des textes que ceux de l'histoire, de la géographie ou de l'ethnologie, l'auteur arrive à la conclusion qu'Éclane fut non seulement le siège de l'évêché de Julien mais également son lieu de naissance.
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  46. A atualidade da escolástica: uma retrospectiva (1959).Josef Pieper - 2013 - Lumen Veritatis 6 (25):101-108.
  47. Der Philosophierende und die Sprache. Aphoristische Bemerkungen eines Thomas-Lesers.Josef Pieper - 1986 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 93 (2):226.
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    The Contemporary Aquinas.Josef Pieper - 1959 - Philosophy Today 3 (1):73.
  49. Who is Wittgenstein's worst enemy?: Steiner on Wittgenstein on Godel.Victor Rodych - 2006 - Logique Et Analyse 49 (193):55-84.
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  50. Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas on the Analogy between God and Creatures.Victor Salas - 2010 - Mediaeval Studies 72:283-312.
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